culture of health Archives - Corporate Health Coach Los Angeles - LifeUP Corporate Wellness Get the best corporate health and wellness coach in los angeles CA with LifeUP, we specialize in improving workplace, employee wellness & productivity. Mon, 06 May 2024 04:50:43 +0000 en-US hourly 1 culture of health Archives - Corporate Health Coach Los Angeles - LifeUP Corporate Wellness 32 32 Australia’s ‘Right to Disconnect’: A Leap Forward in Employee Well-being Thu, 21 Mar 2024 06:29:00 +0000 A Leap Forward in Employee Well-being As a corporate health and wellness coach, I’ve long advocated for the importance of work-life balance in fostering employee well-being and preventing burnout. That’s why I’m thrilled to see Australia taking a significant step forward with its proposed ‘Right to Disconnect’ legislation. This groundbreaking initiative has the potential to […]

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A Leap Forward in Employee Well-being

As a corporate health and wellness coach, I’ve long advocated for the importance of work-life balance in fostering employee well-being and preventing burnout. That’s why I’m thrilled to see Australia taking a significant step forward with its proposed ‘Right to Disconnect’ legislation. This groundbreaking initiative has the potential to reshape the way we think about work and its impact on our mental health.

The Heart of the Matter:

At its core, the ‘Right to Disconnect’ is about empowering employees to prioritize their well-being without fear of repercussions. It’s a recognition that the always-on culture, exacerbated by the pandemic and the rise of remote work, is unsustainable and detrimental to our health. As Prime Minister Anthony Albanese aptly put it, “Someone who is not being paid 24 hours a day shouldn’t be penalized if they’re not online and available 24 hours a day.”

A Global Movement:

Australia isn’t alone in this endeavor. Countries like France, Germany, Italy, and Belgium have already established similar protections, and the European Parliament is pushing for an EU-wide law. This growing international consensus underscores the urgency of addressing work-related stress and burnout. As a health and wellness professional, I’m encouraged to see governments and organizations worldwide prioritizing employee well-being.

A Call to Action for Employers:

While legislation like the ‘Right to Disconnect’ is crucial, it’s only one piece of the puzzle. Employers must also take proactive steps to create a culture that values work-life balance. This includes updating communication policies, using technology wisely, leading by example, and promoting flexibility.

However, it’s not enough to simply offer wellness programs without addressing the underlying causes of stress and burnout. A recent study highlights the need for a holistic approach that combines wellness initiatives with supportive policies. By respecting employees’ downtime and creating an environment that prioritizes well-being, companies can boost engagement, productivity, and job satisfaction.

The Way Forward:

Australia’s proposed ‘Right to Disconnect’ legislation is a beacon of hope for employees worldwide. It sends a powerful message that our mental health and well-being matter and that work should not consume our lives. As a corporate health and wellness coach, I applaud this initiative and urge employers to embrace this opportunity to create a healthier, more balanced workplace.

By prioritizing employee well-being, we can build a future where work is a source of fulfillment, not burnout. Let’s seize this moment to make a lasting change and create a world where the ‘Right to Disconnect’ is not just a law, but a fundamental human right.

To your health!

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Boosting Employee Productivity and Well-Being with Pet-Friendly Policies Wed, 20 Mar 2024 06:38:00 +0000 Hey there, HR departments 🌟 As a corporate health coach, I’m always on the lookout for innovative ways to boost employee well-being and productivity. And let me tell you, the latest research on the human-dog bond is nothing short of remarkable! 🐾 Studies have long shown that dogs can work wonders for mental health, from reducing stress […]

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Hey there, HR departments 🌟

As a corporate health coach, I’m always on the lookout for innovative ways to boost employee well-being and productivity. And let me tell you, the latest research on the human-dog bond is nothing short of remarkable! 🐾

Studies have long shown that dogs can work wonders for mental health, from reducing stress and lowering blood pressure to boosting mood and promoting feelings of love and trust. But a groundbreaking new study published in PLOS ONE has taken things to the next level by exploring how different types of interactions with dogs can impact brain function. 🧠

The researchers used EEG technology to measure changes in brain activity as participants engaged with a friendly poodle named Aro. And the results? Eye opening for sure 🤯 Walking the dog led to increased relaxation, while brushing her fur improved concentration. And playing with Aro? That yielded both benefits! 🎉

You might be wondering how this applies to your role as an HR professional. Well, imagine the possibilities. By incorporating pet therapy programs or dog-friendly policies into your workplace wellness initiatives, you could help your employees tap into the neurological benefits of human-animal interactions. 💼🐶

Whether it’s organizing regular visits from therapy dogs, encouraging employees to bring their furry friends to work, or even sponsoring pet adoption events, there are countless ways to leverage the power of the human-dog bond to support your team’s well-being and productivity. 🙌

So, why not take a page from Aro’s playbook and start exploring how you can bring more tail-wagging joy into your workplace? Your employees (and their brains) will thank you! 😄

If you’d like to learn more about the latest research on the human-animal bond and how it can benefit your organization, let’s connect! I’d be happy to share more insights and strategies for creating a thriving, pet-friendly workplace. 🐾💜

Wishing you and your team an amazing day…get your puppy ready! 🌞

To your health!

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Richard Branson’s Take on Keeping Work Fun and Healthy Thu, 15 Feb 2024 07:26:00 +0000 Ever wonder how a business giant like Virgin keeps things buzzing across its 400 companies? Dive into the world of Richard Branson, where work feels less like work and more like a wellness retreat. What’s Richard Raving About in Wellness Trends? Flexibility is king in Branson’s realm. Since embracing remote work in 2013, Virgin has […]

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Ever wonder how a business giant like Virgin keeps things buzzing across its 400 companies? Dive into the world of Richard Branson, where work feels less like work and more like a wellness retreat.

What’s Richard Raving About in Wellness Trends?

Flexibility is king in Branson’s realm. Since embracing remote work in 2013, Virgin has broken the mold, proving that work isn’t where you are but what you do. And guess what? The entire Virgin cosmos might be on board soon.

Unlimited vacation time? That’s right. Virgin’s head honchos can hit the beach as often as they need, ensuring they’re recharged and ready to soar. It’s all about trust and balance, especially when life’s big moments roll around.

Branson’s Blueprint for Work-Life Bliss

Forget the rulebook. Branson believes in empowering his team, a strategy that’s turned Virgin into a powerhouse of innovation and care. From daily fruit to the Virgin Pulse challenge, it’s all about nurturing a healthy, happy crew.

Be Inspired: How Others Are Transforming Their Wellness Culture

Witness how Branson, overcoming dyslexia and leaving school at 16, morphed into a wellness visionary. Virgin’s Healthy Habit Challenge is just one way he’s boosted workplace well-being, focusing on what employees truly value.

As the man himself says, “From my very first day as an entrepreneur, I’ve felt the only mission worth pursuing in business is to make people’s lives better.” Branson’s journey from a teenager with dreams to a wellness champion is a testament to the transformative power of visionary leadership.

Why Does Branson Dig Work-Life Balance So Much?

He’s all about freedom and trust. The unlimited leave policy? A game-changer that’s reshaped how work and life coexist. It’s simple: when people thrive, so does the business.

The Bottom Line?

Virgin’s ethos is built on trust, with a team that’s as passionate about their work as they are about their play. Branson’s approach isn’t just revolutionary; it’s a blueprint for making wellness and work coalesce.

Ready to Transform Your Workplace Wellness?

Dive into our exclusive workshop, “8 Simple Steps to Build a Company Culture of Health,” and embark on your journey to a more engaged, healthier workplace inspired by Branson’s pioneering spirit.

Sign up for our free workshop teaser and start crafting a wellness culture that sparks joy and productivity in equal measure.

To Your Health!

The post Richard Branson’s Take on Keeping Work Fun and Healthy appeared first on Corporate Health Coach Los Angeles - LifeUP Corporate Wellness.

Transform Your Office Culture: Corporate Health & Wellness in the City of Angels Thu, 31 Aug 2023 07:32:00 +0000 Looking to boost engagement and productivity? A certified holistic health coach in LA can help you go beyond traditional wellness programs to cultivate a thriving workplace culture. So, what are the must-haves for fostering a culture of health in the corporate world? Why Culture Matters Corporate culture shapes attitudes and impacts performance. Companies with robust cultures find employees more engaged, […]

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Looking to boost engagement and productivity? A certified holistic health coach in LA can help you go beyond traditional wellness programs to cultivate a thriving workplace culture. So, what are the must-haves for fostering a culture of health in the corporate world?

Why Culture Matters

Corporate culture shapes attitudes and impacts performance. Companies with robust cultures find employees more engaged, loyal, and healthy. In the words of Peter Drucker, “Culture eats strategy for breakfast.

Holistic Health and Employee Needs

The best corporate health coaches in Los Angeles advocate for a holistic approach to employee well-being covering physical, mental, and social health.

  • To fine-tune your efforts, consult your workforce. Use surveys that include a cross-section of your employees to gather actionable insights.
  • Prioritize mental health support alongside physical wellness.

Visibility and Communication

Launch your wellness initiatives with fanfare. A workplace wellness coach can help design programs that resonate with employees.

  • Use a mix of communication channels to keep your multi-generational workforce informed and engaged.

Leadership’s Role

A culture of health starts at the top. Your certified corporate wellness coach in LA can guide your leadership team in modeling healthy behaviors, making wellness a part of the organizational fabric, not just a perk.

Flexibility and Work-Life Balance

The pandemic highlighted the importance of work-life balance. HR professionals can facilitate flexibility, allowing employees to pursue personal interests and family time, further enriching the company culture.

Community Engagement

  • Engage employees in community service.
  • Studies show this correlates with higher workplace engagement.

Work Environment

Consider tweaks to the physical workspace to encourage healthy habits. Your corporate health coach can suggest innovative ways to incorporate daily physical activity and nutritious options.

Wellness Champions

Appoint wellness ambassadors from your staff to advocate for healthy behaviors. Let them lead in creating wellness events that energize the workforce.

Closing Thoughts

Building a health-focused corporate culture isn’t an overnight job. But it’s worth the investment. For guidance, seek a certified health coach skilled in corporate wellness. With healthier employees, you’ll see gains in productivity, reduced absenteeism, and a happier bottom line. Ready to make wellness work for you?

To your health!

The post Transform Your Office Culture: Corporate Health & Wellness in the City of Angels appeared first on Corporate Health Coach Los Angeles - LifeUP Corporate Wellness.

7 Effective Ways to Brighten Your Company Culture Tue, 01 Aug 2023 09:30:00 +0000 Company culture is a powerful force that influences every aspect of an organization, although it might not always be the topic of everyday water cooler chit-chat. Imagine your company’s culture as a vibrant box of crayons, with each color representing a unique subculture within your company. These subcultures, formed around shared experiences, beliefs, and behaviors, […]

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Company culture is a powerful force that influences every aspect of an organization, although it might not always be the topic of everyday water cooler chit-chat.

Imagine your company’s culture as a vibrant box of crayons, with each color representing a unique subculture within your company.

These subcultures, formed around shared experiences, beliefs, and behaviors, play a crucial role in shaping the overall cultural landscape.

From shift workers to different departments, diverse identities, and geographic locations, these nuanced and powerful subcultures make up the kaleidoscope of your organization.

Just like a box of crayons needs a harmonious blend of colors to create beautiful art, a healthy workplace culture requires support for its various subcultures to reach its full potential.

Recognizing and nurturing these subcultures’ health needs is key to unlocking the collective potential of your employees.

Understanding Subculture Health Needs

Each subculture within your company has its unique health challenges, some apparent and others more subtle. Take shift workers, for instance, who face a range of health risks, including: 

  • gastrointestinal disorders
  • insomnia
  • and an increased likelihood of accidents. 

They are also more susceptible to heart disease, diabetes, ulcers, and depression. Similarly, employees within LGBTQ subcultures may be at a higher risk for:

  • smoking
  • substance abuse
  • depression
  • anxiety
  • and suicide attempts.

To enable every member of these subcultures to thrive, it’s essential to create a supportive health culture that accommodates their specific needs.

Managers have the responsibility to consider the influence they have on their teams’ subcultures and take proactive steps to promote employee well-being.

Empowering Managers and Leaders

Creating a workplace environment that supports the well-being of employees requires proactive efforts from managers and leaders.

First and foremost, leadership must emphasize the importance of work-life balance and set clear boundaries between work hours and personal time.

For remote worker subcultures, it becomes even more critical to strike the right balance.

Creating a Supportive Remote Work Environment

One common misconception among remote employees is the belief that working longer hours equates to being a more valuable team member.

Your company leaders must dispel this notion and encourage their team members to prioritize their own well-being.

By setting boundaries around work hours and respecting private time, they can help remote workers allocate time for activities that promote health, such as food preparation, exercise, and spending quality time with family.

For remote workers, the physical work environment plays a significant role in their well-being and productivity.

To ensure their success, it’s crucial to consider factors like ergonomic setups, adequate breaks to combat poor circulation and tension headaches, and fostering a sense of connection to counter isolation and depression.

Additionally, be mindful of leadership’s communication habits, especially in the digital realm. Encouraging employees to establish optimal times for sending and receiving emails can help prevent work from encroaching into personal time, promoting a healthier work-life balance.

Conclusion: Embrace the Diversity of Your Culture

Just as a box of crayons is at its most beautiful when each color shines brightly, a company’s culture thrives when all subcultures are supported and celebrated.

As HR professionals and leaders embrace the diversity of your culture! Understanding that your company’s collective success lies in empowering every individual to be their best self.

Nurture a culture of well-being, recognize the unique health needs of your subcultures, and empower managers and leaders to make a positive impact.

By cultivating this, you can create a workplace where every employee feels valued, supported, and inspired to achieve greatness.

Use the colors that make up the diversity of your company culture and guide you toward a healthier, happier, and more successful future! 

To your health!

The post 7 Effective Ways to Brighten Your Company Culture appeared first on Corporate Health Coach Los Angeles - LifeUP Corporate Wellness.

Targeting costly and prevalent health conditions: Four bulletproof strategies for promoting healthy behaviors in the workplace Mon, 17 Jul 2023 09:47:00 +0000 Believe me when I say developing effective wellbeing strategies can yield a boatload of benefits for both companies and their employees. When you leverage company data, implement at-work health screenings, and incentivize healthy habits, you can effectively target the company’s most costly and prevalent health conditions while encouraging positive behavior changes. Here I’ll explore four key strategies to […]

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Believe me when I say developing effective wellbeing strategies can yield a boatload of benefits for both companies and their employees.

When you leverage company data, implement at-work health screenings, and incentivize healthy habits, you can effectively target the company’s most costly and prevalent health conditions while encouraging positive behavior changes.

Here I’ll explore four key strategies to optimize health programs and maximize return on investment, as supported by the findings of the Rand Wellness Program Study.

# 1 Use Company Data for Targeted Intervention:

To effectively target costly and prevalent health conditions, employers should leverage company data, including health claims and biometric reports.

By analyzing this information, you’ll be able to identify the top chronic conditions affecting your workforce.

Armed with these insights, you can tailor company health programs to address specific conditions and allocate resources accordingly, leading to a higher return on investment.

#2 Implement At-Work Health Screenings and Encourage Regular Checkups:

This may seem like a no-brainer, but work health screenings provide valuable opportunities for early detection and intervention.

Organizing company-wide screenings will enable you to identify potential health risks and encourage employees to seek regular primary care checkups.

Proactive monitoring enables prompt treatment and management of chronic conditions, helping to reduce healthcare costs and improve overall employee well-being.

#3 Promote and Model Healthy Habits:

To address behaviors that contribute to chronic conditions, employers should focus on promoting and modeling healthy habits within the workplace.

By offering educational resources, organizing workshops, and providing access to wellness programs, companies can empower employees to adopt healthier lifestyles.

Modeling healthy habits among leadership and management also encourages employees to follow suit, creating a culture of well-being throughout the organization.

#4 Reward Achievement of Health Goals:

To reinforce positive behavior changes, establish a system of incentives that reward employees for achieving their health goals.

This can range from financial rewards to recognition programs or additional benefits.

By linking rewards to the attainment of health objectives, employers create a motivating environment that encourages employees to actively participate in their own wellness journey.

Demonstrated ROI and Benefits:

This Rand Wellness Program Study analyzed a decade of wellness program data from a Fortune 100 company, revealing impressive outcomes.

By targeting chronic conditions and incentivizing healthy behaviors, the company achieved a whopping monthly savings of $136 per employee, along with a staggering 30% reduction in hospital stays and that was back in 2014! Not to mention that implementing daily lifestyle behavior changes resulted in an average cost savings of $6 per.

These figures, which do not account for other benefits such as reduced absenteeism and enhanced productivity, highlight the significant impact of targeted health programs.

To wrap things up…

Targeting the most costly and prevalent health conditions within the workforce requires a multi-faceted approach that combines data analysis, at-work health screenings, behavior modification, and incentives.

By investing in employee well-being and promoting healthy habits, employers can not only reduce healthcare costs but also foster a culture of health and productivity.

You’ll benefit from the positive impact on employee morale, job satisfaction, and overall organizational performance.

It’s clear that targeted health programs are a sound investment for companies who want to optimize their workforce’s well-being. Want to learn more? 

To your health!

The post Targeting costly and prevalent health conditions: Four bulletproof strategies for promoting healthy behaviors in the workplace appeared first on Corporate Health Coach Los Angeles - LifeUP Corporate Wellness.

5 Quick Tips to Help Employees Stay Lean Thu, 29 Jun 2023 10:06:00 +0000 Hey there, fellow food enthusiasts! We all know holidays are meant for indulging, and I’m not here to rain on your parade. In fact, I have some fantastic tips to help you enjoy your favorite foods guilt-free and keep that waistline in check. So, let’s dive right in! 1. Don’t skip breakfast – just delay […]

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Hey there, fellow food enthusiasts! We all know holidays are meant for indulging, and I’m not here to rain on your parade.

In fact, I have some fantastic tips to help you enjoy your favorite foods guilt-free and keep that waistline in check. So, let’s dive right in!

1. Don’t skip breakfast – just delay it

We all know that feeling of arriving at a party starving and ready to devour everything in sight. To avoid this, delay your breakfast and opt for a hearty salad with plenty of oil and a protein source, or a simple chicken and veggie stir-fry.

If you prefer something quick, go for a thick and creamy protein shake. Vegans fear not! You can try a chocolate, hemp protein, peanut butter, and banana shake. Yum!

2. Bank some calories the week before

Losing or maintaining weight is all about calories in, calories out. So, here’s the plan: cut back on high-calorie meals and desserts during the week leading up to the holiday.

This way, you can “bank” those calories for your barbecue feast. Amp up your efforts by adding an extra half hour of exercise daily.

You might even find that you’ve shed a pound or two after the holiday!

Also Read: The 5 Bulletproof Strategies to Combat Employee Burnout

3. Choose your drinks wisely to fit in more food

Step away from that sugary punch and consider bringing your own stevia-sweetened alcoholic drinks.

This way, you have control over what goes into your beverages and how many calories you consume.

If you’re into non-alcoholic options, Partake offers tasty non-alcoholic beer with as little as 10-30 calories per drink.

And remember, regular soda is loaded with sugar, so opt for diet soda or zero-calorie seltzer water with a squeeze of lemon or lime to save on calories.

4. Fill a plate (and save some for later)

Here’s a clever trick – fill your plate with all the deliciousness, then remove half of it and save it in a to-go container for later.

This way, you’ll enjoy your favorites while keeping portion sizes in check. Feel free to bring that container to the picnic, and don’t forget to load up on healthier options like quinoa salads and whole-wheat hamburger buns.

If you’re contributing a dish, choose a healthy recipe to share.

5. Fit in some movement.

Don’t forget to incorporate some physical activity into your holiday festivities. Take a walk, join in a game of croquet or badminton, or try your hand at pickleball.

Whether you win or lose, it all burns calories. Consider organizing a patriotic scavenger hunt or a jump rope challenge to get everyone moving.

Remember, participation is key to burning those extra calories.

Bonus tip: Don’t let the scale dictate your happiness

After indulging in salty or carbonaceous treats, it’s common to retain some water weight. Give yourself a couple of days before stepping back on the scale and let your body recalibrate.

So, there you have it five quick tips to help you stay lean and still savor the Fourth of July (or any holiday). Enjoy the festivities, relish the flavors, and have a blast with your loved ones!

Take care, and enjoy!

To your health!

The post 5 Quick Tips to Help Employees Stay Lean appeared first on Corporate Health Coach Los Angeles - LifeUP Corporate Wellness.

Getting ready to form your wellness committee? Wed, 31 May 2023 10:28:00 +0000 Having conversations about wellness means you’ve got a lot happening, whether that’s surveying employees, rounding up your health champions, getting leadership involved and more. You’ve got a tremendous opportunity to pull all that together, but you’ll need a structure in place to accomplish your goals. That’s where forming a wellness committee comes in. The link […]

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Having conversations about wellness means you’ve got a lot happening, whether that’s surveying employees, rounding up your health champions, getting leadership involved and more. You’ve got a tremendous opportunity to pull all that together, but you’ll need a structure in place to accomplish your goals. That’s where forming a wellness committee comes in. The link below leads to the hands-down best guide I’ve found that explains the process from soup to nuts. If you’ve been struggling with creating a wellness committee, I’ll be happy to help. Meanwhile, here’s the lowdown from Work Well NC…

The post Getting ready to form your wellness committee? appeared first on Corporate Health Coach Los Angeles - LifeUP Corporate Wellness.

It’s all YOU. Happiness equates to health Thu, 18 May 2023 10:10:00 +0000 Have you ever considered how empowering having a vibrant culture of health can be? And I’m talking Perhaps your company isn’t quite there yet and you’re wondering why building a culture of health is so important. After all, it does require consistent and diligent effort by a committee to bring it about. More on that later. For […]

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Have you ever considered how empowering having a vibrant culture of health can be? And I’m talking

  • daily breakthroughs
  • momentum
  • motivation
  • and success.

Perhaps your company isn’t quite there yet and you’re wondering why building a culture of health is so important. After all, it does require consistent and diligent effort by a committee to bring it about. More on that later.

For now, I just want you to envision this scenario in your workplace:

  • less burnout
  • less irritability
  • decreased distraction
  • reduced apathy
  • minimized inefficiency

and MORE engagement, enthusiasm, focus, satisfaction and productivity. And getting there is within your reach. But first let’s talk about four of the main “whys” for building a culture of health…

  1. When employees are happy and engaged the company prospers. Work is a happier place and the company recognizes tangible financial benefits.
  2. Happy employees care about their fellow workers and their jobs. They have high morale, positive attitudes, and freely give their best efforts. They weather minor setbacks more easily.
  3. Happy workers think more clearlysolve complex cognitive tasks more easily, and are 13% more productive!
  4. A culture of health fosters innovation and collaborationencourages retention, and reduces turnover.

Convinced yet?

So how do you begin to build and nurture that culture of health? Implementing health and wellbeing programs in the workplace is a great beginning, but promoting wellness in the workplace involves a good deal more. After all, a healthy and happy workforce won’t just magically appear, you’ll need to carefully develop and promote it. But if you want to nurture and retain employees, it’s worth taking a closer look, right?

To begin with, attitude is key. You need to be bold and unwavering as you forge ahead. When you face setbacks, (and you will), you’ll need to stay the course like a true creator. I can’t take credit for that simile. It’s from All You by Pogo. Take a listen and read (or sing!) along…

And as you can see, my voice has changed a little bit here

[Verse 1]
Float through and watch it all shimmer
Let go and don’t touch the dimmer
Grab at water, it gets away (Or so they say)
All that is is meant to be
This path you’re on, will set you free
The cosmos knows what’s best for you (Or so it’s supposed to)
Reach only for what you can change
Control is a car that just won’t go
Don’t listen to fear or ego (Something like that, I don’t know)
Find a oneness with yourself
Change perceptions for your health
How you see beats what you see
But maybe that’s just me

It’s all you, it’s all you

[Verse 2]
Piano looping through my brain
From the dark, I’m light again
Stronger, brighter than yesterday (Or so I’m told anyway)
Don’t attach to former sеlf
Chase the lights, don’t hug the shеlf
Forward is all I come to see
A kind of spiritual gluttony
Rain pours through the night on the café
This is it, the cosmic ballet
Gentle souls kissed by the headlights
Dancing in each others arms
Ego crumbles through the holes
Connected are these humble souls
Sharing the beats with none of the tweets
Now is all we’ve got

It’s all you, it’s all you
Love you, love you

[Verse 3]
Stay the course like true creators
Drive the bus straight through the haters
Drink yes from a cup of no
A bit sweet, but here we go
Go light when they go dark
Show love with each remark
No fire needs a spark, be the bigger man
Trade fashion for compassion
Outrage is an empty passion
Upload joy for satisfaction (Or something like that)
Don’t lean on what they say
Non-contributors fade away
Stay true to what drives you
Piano time, here’s chorus two

It’s all you, it’s all you

[Verse 4]
This goes through the music square
Lifting souls through midnight air
We convulse to the cosmic pulse
Our shadows in the fog
Love is all we know tonight
Warm street light, hearts take flight
Who needs fight, when we’ve got sight?
And booze, just a little
Follow through on motivation
Dodge the bait for hesitation
Think or do, it’s up to you
But only one will break through
Make it for the lonely souls
The loners, stoners and the trolls
Show them how to love again
Be the change, carve the grain.

Yes, BE THE CHANGE. It’s all you. Let motivation and momentum light a fire in your belly. Start forming that committee!

How can you enlist the enthusiastic participation of senior executives and managers? How about your employee health champions? What do they each know so far? What gaps in their awareness do you need to address? You could handle all this in your HR department, but it makes more sense to bring other people in now, ideally from every organizational level. By establishing, supporting, and maintaining a Worksite Wellness Committee, you’ll provide opportunities for
leadership, management, and staff to:

  • Foster collaboration
  • Establish robust cross-level/department lines of communication
  • Create your new culture of health!

So, who’s going to serve on your new Workplace Wellness Committee? Make a list and start connecting.

You can do this! And if you’d like some guidance on beginning the process, I’m always here. Reach out at any time.


The post It’s all YOU. Happiness equates to health appeared first on Corporate Health Coach Los Angeles - LifeUP Corporate Wellness.

How is your culture like a box of crayons? Wed, 19 Apr 2023 08:06:00 +0000 Company culture is something that nobody much thinks or talks about, but everyone feels. Have you ever thought of your culture as a crayon box? No? It’s okay, we’ll get to that soon. The important point here is that our company cultures are made up of subcultures. These can take on their own distinct characteristics. Subcultures are […]

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Company culture is something that nobody much thinks or talks about, but everyone feels. Have you ever thought of your culture as a crayon box? No? It’s okay, we’ll get to that soon. The important point here is that our company cultures are made up of subcultures. These can take on their own distinct characteristics. Subcultures are the intertwined experiences, problems, beliefs, and behaviors of specific segments of a company’s population. These might be shift workers, for instance, or the sales department. Subcultures can also form around religious, racial, or gender lines, sexual preferences, or geography. Most employees fit into several groups. There are lots of nuanced and powerful subcultures!

To get back to our analogy, you might think of culture as a Crayola box, while subcultures are the individual crayon color groupings (think purple and periwinkle!) And while developing a workplace culture of health is crucial to a company reaching its full potential, it will never reach the pinnacle without identifying and supporting healthy subcultures.

How do subcultures differ in their health needs? 

Some subculture health challenges are obvious, while others are more subtle. Take shift workers, for example. Did you know this subculture is subject to numerous health risks, ranging from gastrointestinal disorders, insomnia, and a heightened risk of accidents? Shift workers are also prone to heart disease, diabetes, ulcers, and depression. Those in your LGBTQ subculture are at greater risk for smoking and substance abuse, depression and anxiety, and suicide attempts.

None of the individual members of these subcultures can function at their best if they don’t live and work within a supportive health culture. That’s why managers need to carefully consider the ways they may influence their work teams’ subcultures. It’s really the only way to accommodate employee well-being. Do managers respect boundaries? Managers and leaders need to emphasize that employees should honor both work time and private time. Computers and smartphones can really get in the way of separating the two – especially for a remote worker subculture.

To help with this, managers and leaders need to overcome common misconceptions. Many remote employees think spending more time working makes them a more valuable team member. They often want to prove that they’re carrying their load, so they put their noses to the grindstone at all hours. That eats into activities that support employee well-being – food prep, exercise, and family time to name a few. So set boundaries!

Give your remote team permission to relax and recuperate. Especially pay attention to email etiquette. Employees and managers can decide what hours are optimal for sending and receiving emails. HINT: it’s not dinner time or the wee, small hours of the morning. Consider the work environment for a remote worker. Are they staggering just a few feet from their computer to the bed every night? Do they suffer from poor circulation, tension headaches, isolation, or depression? Spend some time devising a strategy and creating the infrastructure to support your remote workforce.

Ways to Foster Healthy Subcultures 

If you have some discretion on resource allocation, consider that building and nurturing healthy environments needn’t cost an arm and a leg. You can support well-being by bringing nature indoors. Yes, nature does improve well-being. Instead of Christmas tchotchke that goes to die in some desk drawer, consider a gift that can flourish on top of the desk. A minor investment in plants can reap big health benefits. Just don’t pick high-maintenance varieties. Dying plants do nothing to improve health or morale!

But you don’t even need to spend that much. It could just be a matter of finding rooms or other areas for employees to “borrow,” where they can hold volunteer planning, club events, and the like. How about a corner of the outdoor facilities where workers can participate in pick-up flag football? How can you promote goodwill by being generous with your physical resources?

Your efforts will be multiplied if you provide the infrastructure for subcultures to flourish in. Let’s face it, it’s easy for workers to feel like just another face in the crowd. Developing a process for smaller subculture groups to participate can enhance the work experience. Think gay-straight alliance meetings, ethnic luncheons, or bicycle race planning. If your company has mindfulness programming, encourage your work team subcultures to participate together. First off, this will help to normalize the experience for those who think meditation is just for “flakes.” It helps show that bosses are on board, boosts peer support, and helps teams to normalize the practice so they can deploy it at stressful times. Ohm-ing together begets staying together.

Perhaps groups are unaware that these solutions are even possible, so it’s important to put out a message or launch a campaign for groups that would like to gather for healthy events so that they can “apply” for resources. If your company can afford it, providing small grants to any subculture applicants that can demonstrate how they would effectively utilize the money to promote well-being would be a great investment in your overall wellness culture. Those subculture groups could use the money in targeted ways to bolster their well-being and achieve their goals.

Take warehouse workers for example. One common issue for them is over-exertion or repetitive stress injuries. Might they benefit from a grant to bring in a functional medicine specialist to address their muscle imbalances and suggest ways to strengthen their muscles, helping to restore their bodies’ natural functioning?

You can see why identifying subcultures and their health needs matter. It’s vital to provide flexibility and freedom for your employees to express themselves authentically within the subcultures they are a part of and to embody their own dazzling Crayola colors.

So where do we start? 

Here at LifeUp, we take subcultures and their health needs seriously. Our team is built on a foundation of diversity – both in the wide-ranging health specialties we offer and our cultural backgrounds. Here are some of our offerings:

  • Functional medicine
  • Mindset and performance coaching
  • Meditation and mindfulness
  • Yoga, Ayurveda, and sound meditation
  • Nutrition
  • Stress management
  • Creativity and play
  • Sleep, rest, and recovery expertise.

We embrace authenticity, diverse communities, and teamwork. The people who make up your subcultures will never function at their best if they don’t live and work within a supportive corporate health environment. Our Healthy Habits program provides the “a-ha” moments to transform employee wellness – no matter your subculture crayon box.

To your health!


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