Ignoring chronic health conditions could cost your company big time

Effective corporate wellness initiatives do more than keep your employees healthy, happy, and productive. Research has shown over and over that well-designed and developed wellness programs increase a company’s bottom line. And frequently that success is just a matter of identifying and addressing your employees’ chronic medical conditions. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), as […]

Getting ready to form your wellness committee?

Having conversations about wellness means you’ve got a lot happening, whether that’s surveying employees, rounding up your health champions, getting leadership involved and more. You’ve got a tremendous opportunity to pull all that together, but you’ll need a structure in place to accomplish your goals. That’s where forming a wellness committee comes in. The link […]

7 Effective Strategies to Boost Wellness Program Engagement and Participation

Does this sound familiar? You kick off your corporate wellness initiative with a bang. Employees are enthusiastic and affirming. You feel heartened that your hard work getting the program off the ground is paying off. But as weeks go by, employee enthusiasm begins to wane. Many of your people begin to lose interest in program […]

It’s all YOU. Happiness equates to health

Have you ever considered how empowering having a vibrant culture of health can be? And I’m talking Perhaps your company isn’t quite there yet and you’re wondering why building a culture of health is so important. After all, it does require consistent and diligent effort by a committee to bring it about. More on that later. For […]

High Performers burnout- Stats, Signs, Problems & Solutions

You’ve seen the signs employees who were once highly engaged and productive now seem emotionally and physically exhausted. They’ve become cynical, irritable, distracted, apathetic, and inefficient. Workplace stress comes from many sources including heavy workloads and tight deadlines. It’s been a problem for companies during these stressful times, and it’s not getting better. A few […]

All generations say 3 risk factors impact productivity and wellbeing

Impaired psychological wellness can disrupt clear thinking, healthy decision-making and the ability to stave off chronic diseases. But did you know that psychological issues are risk factors for other serious illnesses? I’m talking about anxiety, depression and stress. According to the CDC, anxiety is the primary risk factor for heart disease and it also precipitates other known […]

Which top wellness dimensions do Zoomers to Boomers agree on?

Wellness matters to everyone in your organization. Should we be surprised? Wellbeing is vital to health and happiness. When we feel strong and well-adapted, we’re better able to prevail over adversity and achieve our goals. But wellbeing goes way beyond the absence of disease. In short, being well enables us to show up as the […]

How is your culture like a box of crayons?

Company culture is something that nobody much thinks or talks about, but everyone feels. Have you ever thought of your culture as a crayon box? No? It’s okay, we’ll get to that soon. The important point here is that our company cultures are made up of subcultures. These can take on their own distinct characteristics. Subcultures are […]

Is your wellness culture like a ping-pong table?

You could think of a lackluster wellness culture as being like a ping-pong table, pretty much a fixture, but companies point to that table and say, “Look, we’ve got culture!” Perks like ping-pong tables don’t mean a company has culture. Culture encompasses experiences, emotions, how employees feel and relate to your organization and their fellow workers. That […]

10 ways to get leadership buy-in for your company wellbeing initiatives

Understanding how to get leadership involved at all levels. Are you struggling with ways to get your corporate leaders involved in your workplace wellbeing programs? Lots of HR departments know that getting senior buy-in is critical to the success of employee wellbeing initiatives. But knowing it is one thing and succeeding at it is another! And you […]