Is your wellness culture like a ping-pong table?

You could think of a lackluster wellness culture as being like a ping-pong table, pretty much a fixture, but companies point to that table and say, “Look, we’ve got culture!” Perks like ping-pong tables don’t mean a company has culture. Culture encompasses experiences, emotions, how employees feel and relate to your organization and their fellow workers. That […]

10 ways to get leadership buy-in for your company wellbeing initiatives

Understanding how to get leadership involved at all levels. Are you struggling with ways to get your corporate leaders involved in your workplace wellbeing programs? Lots of HR departments know that getting senior buy-in is critical to the success of employee wellbeing initiatives. But knowing it is one thing and succeeding at it is another! And you […]

Think beyond the “wellness program” to create a culture of health

What are the benefits of creating a culture of health in the workplace? No two companies are the same, but employees who work for businesses that value a culture of health are more engaged and productive, happier, and less likely to jump ship.  So, what’s involved in going beyond employee health and wellness programs to build that culture of health? Why […]