How is your culture like a box of crayons?

Company culture is something that nobody much thinks or talks about, but everyone feels. Have you ever thought of your culture as a crayon box? No? It’s okay, we’ll get to that soon. The important point here is that our company cultures are made up of subcultures. These can take on their own distinct characteristics. Subcultures are […]
Think beyond the “wellness program” to create a culture of health

What are the benefits of creating a culture of health in the workplace? No two companies are the same, but employees who work for businesses that value a culture of health are more engaged and productive, happier, and less likely to jump ship. So, what’s involved in going beyond employee health and wellness programs to build that culture of health? Why […]
Target your efforts to generate the greatest value for your company’s wellness program investment

Did you know that the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that six out of ten adults live with a chronic medical condition? This type of statistic is why you might consider focusing on promoting wellness in the workplace because effective corporate wellness programs don’t just make employees healthier and more productive, they will positively impact a company’s […]